What's it Like to Build a Business During a Pandemic

What’s it like to build a business during a pandemic and civil rights revolution? It’s legit weird.

I too am trying to navigate how to be an activist, how to be safe during a pandemic, how to be a good mom and how to grow my business. I've felt as if it’s not the right time to reach out. I should be the last thing on your mind…and then today I realized by not reaching out I’m not being true to myself. I want to succeed and grow what I’m doing.

What I’ve realized is I can do all of these things. I can be an activist, I can mute my voice when I need to, I can be safe and uphold the rules, and I can also grow my business. I think all of it’s okay. I think what’s most important is I’m aware, not tone deaf to what’s going on, and I know when quiet all the noise so we can focus on what’s important.

So, I’m going to make this quick.

Do you know someone who wants to sell their house? I’m your girl. I’ve got the eye, I know how to make your house look great, and I’m educated in pricing your home to sell quickly and profitability in this market (which is crazy strong).

Do you know someone moving to Portland or looking for a home who already lives here? Send them to me! I am a Portland enthusiast, I’m fun to hang out with, I’m a great negotiator and I’m a hard worker.

I ‘m donating $100 of every closed transaction to Loveland Foundation. Loveland Foundation is committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women and girls.

Want to know anything more? Email me at carla@altpdx.com. Text me at 503-317-1302. And please send me your referrals!



Carla Mink

Real Estate Broker-Licensed in the State of Oregon